Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm in Miami B@!ch!

On the road again! Well, technically I should say I’m in the air again. Literally. The flight to Miami is an interesting one. I’ve got my own set of seats again (woohoo!), except the guy behind me who is most definitely from the southeast kept counting the planes waiting to take off and then commenting on how many there were. It took all of my will power to not turn around and ask him if he knew where he was. On a plane. At an airport. A major hub airport to be exact. So yeah, I’d hope there would be allot of planes. Otherwise I’d worry the Langoliers were coming.

I made it safely to Charleston Saturday afternoon around 1510. I miraculously got on a flight, even got an emergency exit seat, only to be the one trying not to white knuckle the arm rest. Remember the roller coaster rides we went on as children? The ones that scared the crap out of us and we wanted to get off? Well, I remember mine, and that United flight was a very similar experience. I just wanted to yell “STOP! I want to get off!” to the pilot. I don’t think the other passengers would have appreciated a sleep-deprived woman freaking out on the plane, so I took one for the team. Besides, it was probably a small look at what’s to come. I’ve heard the ride from Quito to the Galapagos can be interesting. I would like whoever said that to define interesting, because I’m pretty sure I have a different definition.

After a wonderful visit in Charleston (thank you Susan, Leroy, and Maggie!) I finally made it to Savannah on Sunday evening (can you believe it?!). I’ll be honest, I only left Kelly and Phil’s place for coffee and veggies, as my only plan Monday was to eat as many fruits and veggies as possible, which I’m pretty sure I did. Wow, what a great food day (Kristen, you’d be proud)!

I’m currently in transit to Quito. It’s a 16-hour day of airports and three flights, but I have faith that it’ll go smoothly (as the first one did, thank you, Delta Airlines!! I knew I made the right decision when signing up for miles through you!). Hopefully I’ll land on time to my name on a piece of paper held by my Ecuadorian family.

Did you know that airlines don’t hand out peanuts anymore? Or if they do, I must be sleeping when the cart comes around (btw, one awesome thing I’ve acquired on this trip is the ability to pass out anywhere). I was told to start collecting peanuts, and seriously, I’ve been trying, but no dice. But then there’s always the next flight ;)

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