Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello Washington!!

Prior to flying to Ecuador I made plans to visit a good friend of mine in Savannah for a few days. Having had to be at JFK by 5am this morning (which didn't work out well at all), I somehow made it onto my United Airlines flight without having to pay the $100 over weight baggage fee (thank you dysfunctional computer programs!!!), though I did have to check my (slightly large) pack at the gate. This may have been one of the most interesting flights I've ever taken. A sassy flight attendant, a pilot who looks like she's closely related to Alexander Skarsgard, multiple people who can't speak english, condensation that coming from the floor of the plan that may look like smoke to some people, and the non-english speakers freaking out about said condensation definitely made me question whether I should stay on the flight. I believe it was a bumpy ride, because every time I woke to the sound of the flight attendant telling the passengers (very loudly btw) something related to airports and the beverage cart, the guy in the seat next to me was white-nuckling our "shared" armrest.

As the plane dipped below 10,000 ft the flight attendant ran around to help people understand that their flight was late and they would probably miss their connecting flight. WHAT?!? Oh no......
When I got off the plane (one of those cute little things that allow you to walk right out onto the runway) someone was holding up my sneakers that had been attached to my pack. Hmmm...

Having, in fact, missed my flight, I had the pleasure of standing on line with a bunch of super grumpy, non-english speakers who had also missed their connecting flights. Let me tell you, that makes for an interesting experience. You don't want to yell at the guy who's helping you get on another flight. Two hours later (thanks Amede!) I'm a stand-by passenger and I have a seat booked on the next available flight...which is saturday morning. The only problem? I have to go to the baggage claim and recheck my bag for saturday before trying to convince someone I deserve to get on the plane more than they do. Only catch? The plane is scheduled to take off in 1 1/2 hours.

Finding out that you ran all the way to the baggage claim only to find out your bag was put on the next flight is a little disheartening. To be on standby for a flight in which the departing time keeps changing thanks to something going on at LGA is pretty funny (at least at this point). Hallucinating from lack of sleep every time you walk into the bathroom thanks to the tiles is just plain crazy. Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lalena! - I bet your mom told you about our experiences in Quito. I will follow your blog, great idea. enjoy your time there.
